Tree shrew
It is believed that these mammals have a high brain capacity. Their brain capacity shows how the primates have been evolving in terms of brain capacity. Many primates have molars and less developed canine teeth. These mammals have hairy face unlike the lemurs, Sulawesi Macaque and Orangutan. (Smithsonian National Zoological Park.2010).
Lemurs have binocular vision and grasping hands. As other prosimians, they have a rhinarium, a moist and a very sensitive nose, they have long furry tails which they use for balance when leaping through the forests trees. However unlike other new world monkeys their tails are not prehensile, so they cannot hang from them. They are black in color but have a white colored neck fur. Their eyes, mouth and nose are positioned on the face.
Lemurs are less related to humans as other apes and monkeys. Contemporary lemurs closely resemble primitive primates which lived million years back as compared to living monkeys. They therefore give a valuable insight into evolution of primates. Their arms are shorter than legs. Have tooth comb and a grooming claws as well as a dog like snout. Their eyes are light-reflecting. As Sulawesi Macaque, have a flat face. (Smithsonian National Zoological Park.2010).
Sulawesi Macaque
They have hairless face. Their eyes, nose and mouth are positioned on the face. They have black hair which is also mixed with white hair on their arms and shoulders. On top of their head they have a short ruff of coarse hair which sticks straight up. Their face is relatively flat and narrow face. Male weigh about 9-10 kg while females weigh about 7 kg... Sulawesi Macaque length is about 56 cm. they also have a short tail which has a pink rear end. Additionally, they have large canine teeth (Smithsonian National Zoological Park.2010).
Golden-Headed Lion Tamarin
They have a face like that of a lion. They have longer golden hair on their head. These mammals are usually located in rain forest at eastern coast of Brazil. They are black in color. Their eyes, nose and mouth are positioned on their face. They live in groups of two to eight. (Smithsonian National Zoological Park.2010).
This is the world largest tree-dwelling animals which live in tropical forests. They are orange-red-haired apes. They have long arms and curved feet and hands. Male orangutan has a longer hair than a female and a disc-like cheek pads. The orangutans have throat pouches that enable them to communicate. They have strong teeth and jaws that enable them to crush tough foliage and hard shelled nuts.
Males are larger than females. Males are about four and a half feet tall. They weigh 130 to 200 pounds. Female are about four feet tall. They weigh about 90 to 110 pounds. Orangutans a large mouth, small nose and eyes but all of them are positioned on their face. Their arms are longer than legs. They have nails on all digits. Their nose is dry, lack snout and has no hair on the face. ( Smithsonian National Zoological Park.2010).
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